Michael and his beloved Shoprider scooter visit the new Belmont Showroom!

Michael visits the Belmont showroom on his scooter

This is Michael; he loves his Shoprider scooter and has it fully kitted out, with personalised stickers, lots of attachments like bags for his shopping and to clip his grabber and walking stick into place – he even made his own little pusher stick to get to lift buttons and accessible doors and has a compressor pump on the back in case a tyre goes flat. Today, he came to see us in the newly opened Belmont showroom for a new walking stick and to check out our range of Shoprider scooters – his has served him well for many years, but he is in the market for a new one. We let him know he was one of our first customers, he said he would let all his buddies know at his nearby aged care village and they will come up to say hello!