Cushions and positioning aids can assist with providing comfort, supporting postural needs, and providing pressure care by reducing or preventing pressure injury.

They are ideal for users who need assistance with positioning and posture support (e.g. posture in bed, positioning in a chair/wheelchair), users who are at risk of pressure injury (e.g. users with reduced mobility, users sitting for increased period of time in a chair/wheelchair, or users with sensitive/fragile skin), or users requiring comfort and support (e.g. users experiencing pain or discomfort due to an injury, or where current seating has become uncomfortable). They can be used on a short-term basis (e.g. following surgery) or for long-term use (e.g. permanent condition).

Constant pressure to areas of the body and incorrect posture can lead to pressure injury, pain, discomfort, and overall poor well-being. Pressure and posture care cushions and aids seek to address these issues, and works to both prevent and control pressure injuries, support functional positioning, and improve comfort.

Our vast range of cushions and positioning aids may be used on a wheelchair, office chair, dining/day chair, bed, car, or any other seating in which the person requires additional support. They are available in different materials, such as foam, gel, air-filled cells, and a combination of these. Choosing which cushion or positioning aid is best for you will depend on a number of considerations explained below. We stock a large variety of cushions and positioning aids, from general use to high care/high pressure risk needs, with these being available for view and trial in store as well as ordered in for trial as required.

These products are suitable for those who:

  • Individuals feeling uncomfortable in their current chair
  • Users spending extended periods of time in their chair/wheelchair
  • Users at risk (low, medium or high) of developing pressure sores
  • Those who are currently experiencing pressure sores around the seated area
  • Users requiring assistance with positioning and alignment of the body when the user is unable to do so independently  e.g. in seated or lying positions.
  • Experiencing pain or discomfort when seated or lying.
  • Those experiencing acute or chronic pain when seated or lying down, due to an injury or surgery.

Consideration for Selecting Pressure & Posture Care Products & Accessories

There are a number of considerations that apply:

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Safe Working Load & User's Weight

All cushions have a safe working limit, so it is important to ensure that the person’s weight is below this limit in order to be supported safely by the cushion.  
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Size of seat on which the cushion will be used – seat cushions are available in a range of sizes depending on the brand and model. This will include the seat width, depth, and thickness of the cushion, as these will impact on overall posture and comfort.
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Intended Use & Level of Support

Consider the level of support required and the intended use of the cushion/aid – consider if the cushion is required for more general use and comfort when sitting on a chair/in the office, or is it required for someone who spends most of their day seated in a wheelchair? For general use such as travelling or office work, a foam cushion is generally sufficient to provide added comfort. For those who are confined to sitting for extended periods daily, they may require higher levels of support which are offered by gel and air cushions, or a combination cushion.  Consider how long the user may sit for in the chair e.g few hours vs whole day. Consider if the cushion is to be used on one chair or multiple seating surfaces.

Other considerations relate to your specific needs and the environment in which the product will be used:

  • Where will the cushion/aid be used? E.g. on a wheelchair, chair, car, commode? Will the cushion/aid be required to be used on multiple seating surfaces or will it be used only on one product?
  • Does the person have a risk of developing pressure injuries, have current pressure injuries, or a history of pressure injuries? If yes, a high level pressure care support cushion would be suitable.
  • Level of mobility – can the person position/reposition self/get on and off the cushion by themselves?  For those who cannot, a cushion with higher levels of support may be more appropriate such as a gel, air or combination cushion.
  • Does the person have adequate sensation around their buttocks and thighs? If not, they may not be able to tell when they are feeling uncomfortable. In this case a cushion designed for higher levels of care would be necessary.
  • Does the person have any issues with continence? If yes, some cushions are available with a waterproof cover for protection.
  • Will the cushion or aid be required for short term or long term use?

View Our Pressure & Posture Care Range Online

Pressure Care Alternating Air Mattresses
Pressure Care Alternating Air Mattresses
Pressure Care Foam Mattresses
Pressure Care Foam Mattresses
Pressure Care Cushions
Pressure Care Cushions
Pressure Relief Chairs
Pressure Relief Chairs

Pressure & Posture Care Brands We Sell

Balance Seat


Body Point





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Shear Comfort Logo

Shear Comfort

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Therapeutic Pillow



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