Daily living aids cover a vast range of products, small and large, that provides assistance to make completing tasks of daily living easier.

These include aids to support completing daily tasks (e.g. grooming, dressing, eating, drinking, cooking, laundry, chores), aids to support access (e.g. reachers, step stools, car access aids), and safety aids (e.g. falls prevention aids, clocks, alarms, medical aids).

These products are suitable for those who:

  • Have arthritis and/or pain in the hands/arms/wrist
  • Experience reduced strength/dexterity in the hands and fingers
  • Have reduced movement and mobility in the upper limbs, lower limbs, and/or general body, impacting on completing daily living tasks.
  • Injury, illness or disability impacting upon the person’s fine motor abilities
  • Users who may only have use of one hand
  • Those finding it difficult to open and use standard household items
  • Difficulty with grooming, eating, drinking, and/or cooking/meal preparation tasks.
  • Difficulty with memory and daily orientation
  • Difficulty with access around the home (e.g reaching cupboards) or car access (e.g. getting in/out of the car).
  • Those with concerns for safety or falls risk, e.g. individuals who live alone, reduced mobility. unstable on their feet.

Consideration for Selecting Daily Living Products & Accessories

There are a number of considerations that apply:

Other considerations relate to your specific needs and the environment in which the product will be used:

  • Will the product be suitable for the person’s needs? Consider the intended use and what the individual is having difficulty with.
  • Can the person understand the process in using the aid?
  • Does the person prefer non-powered or powered products?
  • Will the aid require set-up and maintenance? e.g. Will the individual be able to maintain the product e.g. change the batteries in the aid?, will the individual be able to dis-alarm an alarm?
  • Consider the environment in which the equipment is required for e.g. is it for use in the kitchen, accessing the car, bathroom. Will the individual require multiples of the same aid to use across rooms?
  • Consider the individual’s safety when using the aid.

View Our Daily Living Range Online

Dressing Aids
Dressing Aids
Kitchen Aids
Kitchen Aids
Gripping Aids
Gripping Aids

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