Building accessibility hand rail

Building Accessibility – Mobility Ramps

Our range of building accessibility products include items such as rails and ramps which enable a user to safely access their environment and community.

These products are designed to support independence when completing daily activities and enable the safe use of mobility aids and devices.

Rail and grab rail products minimize physical effort and discomfort for a user when standing, transferring, and ambulating, therefore enabling stability, safety, and independence across all environments. The vast range of rails and grab rails can be used in areas such as the bathroom, toilet, when accessing stairs, and at doorways or thresholds.

Ramp products assist users who would otherwise have difficulty with accessing stairs, entrances and exits, thresholds/steps, and vehicles. They allow for easy and safe access and mobility in wheelchairs, powered scooters and for individuals who are at risk of tripping or falling. Our range of ramps include varied types and lengths (e.g. lightweight fiberglass options, portable options) to support accessibility and transportation of mobility devices in vehicles.

These products are suitable for those who:

  • Have difficulty with mobility such as walking and standing
  • Those who use a walker, wheelchair or walking aids for mobility
  • Are at high risk of falls
  • Have difficulty accessing hobs, steps, stairs, thresholds
  • Are unsteady and have poor balance when standing and walking
  • Have difficulty with transfers from the toilet and shower
  • Are unsteady on their feet, particularly in wet areas
  • Have steps or stairs which impact accessibility of the area with the use of a powered mobility aid.
  • Have difficulty lifting or transporting a mobility aid (manual or powered) into a vehicle for transportation.

Consideration for Selecting Building Accessibility – Mobility Ramps Products & Accessories

There are a number of considerations that apply:

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Safe Working Load & User's Weight

Our range of rails and ramps have different load capacities depending on the model and type; therefore it is important to always select a product with a safe working load at or above the maximum weight you expect it to carry. It is therefore vital to take into consideration the user’s weight.
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When considering a ramp or rail it is essential to know the required dimensions of the product to ensure it fits the required space and environment. Given our range of rails and ramps are available in different sizes, it is important to consider the required length, width, and height required of the product. When selecting ramps, it is also vital to consider the gradient (slope) to ensure this is not too steep.
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Intended Use

Consider the intended use of the rail or ramp and where/how it will be used by the individual e.g. is it for in shower, at doorways, transfers (sitting/standing), for access of stairs, to use with walking aid, for stability support?.

Other considerations relate to your specific needs and the environment in which the product will be used:

  • Level of support required- Consider the individual’s level of mobility needs and support required as this will help determine what type or combination of products will be suitable e.g. depending on the user’s mobility needs, you may require a full length rail in the shower to support safety with accessing the shower and walking in the shower vs requiring a shorter grab rail in the shower to hold on for stability and balance when showering. In some situations you may require two rails to provide the required support, or a combination of rail and ramp.
  • Environment- Where will the product be used e.g. wet areas such as showers, toilet, for vehicle?. Does the item need to fold away in a shared space e.g. drop down rails in a bathroom/toilet?, Consider if the product will fit the space, be compatible with other equipment such as wheelchairs and commodes, and not cause any impediments to access. Consider if the home is a rental vs own home as this may impact on if the products can be fixed or needs to be portable/removable.
  • Duration of use- Consider if the product will be used long or short term, as this may impact on the product selected or an alternative more suitable product may be available. Does the product need to be removed each time?
  • Transportation/Portability- Is the ramp required to transport a mobility device? If so, consider the weight of the product for the carer to safely lift. Consider if the vehicle has enough space for the ramp, mobility device, and passengers and if the ramp folds for portability. Consider if the ramp can be secured safely in the vehicle.
  • Does the user require support with standing, stability, and access within the bathroom, toilet, at doorways, and/or stairs? If yes, consider a fixed rail, including straight, drop down, or grab rails.
  • Will the mobility aid (e.g. powered wheelchair, scooter, non-folding manual wheelchair) need to be transported into the back of a vehicle, and is too large or heavy to safely lift? If yes, then an aluminium ramp or fibreglass ramp may be suitable.
  • Does the user need to navigate the door threshold/step or single steps within their home with their mobility aid? If yes, then a rubber ramp may be suitable.

View Our Building Accessibility – Mobility Ramps Range Online

Rubber Threshold Ramps
Rubber Threshold Ramps
Rubber Threshold Ramps Modular
Rubber Threshold Ramps Modular
Bed Rails
Bed Rails
Shower Recess Grab Rail
Shower Recess Grab Rail

Building Accessibility Brands We Sell

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